6 thoughts on “Joshua”

  1. Yeah, agreed with the nipples… they’re rather unfortunate. If he wasn’t so skinny, they would most certainly become bitch-tits.

    Other than that, super hot guy.

  2. Sep10and3w Jimma;1621577 wrote: I also heard that most Legal Studies teachers aren’t qleiufiad lawyers, most Accounting teachers aren’t qleiufiad accountants, and most Music teachers have never even released an album.If you want teachers to be qleiufiad to do jobs that pay a lot of money, you’d want to be paying them a lot of money.And there is the problem. I was lucky enough to get my high school education in the 1970 s, when teachers still had to have a minimum of a degree in their chosen subject. I had some brilliant teachers and I owe them a lot.Although they weren’t paid a massive amount they were on a par with other professionals (Dr’s, Lawyers etc) and they also had a lot of prestige. Nowadays they have no real prestige and their pay has dropped way behind those of other professionals. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.VA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)


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