21 thoughts on “Jamie Dominic for Undergear”

  1. As for the “ugly tattoos”, to each his own. He looks great no matter what. I doubt someone like this guy with “ugly tattoos” will be in your bed anytime soon anyway.

  2. Wow I think he looks way better in the other photoshoot posted earlier. I guess with the magic of lighting and clever camerawork, people can look very different!

  3. I hope this tattoo fad is going to blow over soon. Every second asshole has a tattoo nowadays. Ever seen what they look like when they fade and you grow older???

  4. Jamie I think you have a gorgeous ass gorgeous body also but I dont like the tattoos at all but you look very good in the jock strap with that ASS hanging out oh Jamie I would love to be mooned by YOU PLEASE.I will tell you that I am gay please moon me.

  5. If you like Jamie you need to check out his (supposed) cousin, Tom Stapledon; there is a definite familial resemblance.

  6. Jamie has done full frontal, though not stiff; but it's still big, thick and veiny with "expansion wrinkles" (cut). Makes me wonder even more about his cousin Tom…


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