8 thoughts on “Greg Smith”

  1. Unfortunately, just as labour suetroppr’ states A and E will go by stealth. The public consultation will go along the lines of .. Well you (the public) don’t go there for major trauma, you have no maternity so really you won’t miss A and E . Well try telling that to all the medical and surgical patients admitted every day and night though our A and E. The numbers are readily available and should be used to oppose this.The public consultation will also use phrases such as do you want greater choice of when to attend out patients? Do you want greater access to endoscopy? Do you want rehabilitation to be readily available at Trafford? Of course the answer to the questions will be YES and therefore services will be realigned. What won’t be mentioned is do you want to travel for major surgery? Do you want to be ferried by ambulance for medical treatment do you want to get 2 buses to visit your relatives? An absolutely positive spin will be placed on the informative public consultation a paper excersise as some services eg general surgery are going, no matter what the public say.I would have thought by now, there would be greater public opposition to the proposed changes, however I think most people are either in the dark or misinformed (see recent messenger and metro articles). Keep up the pressure Jo.


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