20 thoughts on “Justin Seitz”

  1. i have been coming to your blog for a longg time, and it is clear all of the pics you are posting now are sponsor driven. while i don’t mind clicking these links, you used to post much better content. can you please go back to posting non-porn stars? thank you.

  2. Tacky?!? Stretch Atmostrong!?!? To each his own, but I think Justin is HOT and the pics are smoking!

    And you can post whatever you like–it’s your site and none of the negative posters are paying you anything.

  3. Holly shit! I got his photos in the mail, made some walls and didn’t even know it’s from you!!!
    I’m giving you cradit right now!

  4. This man is really hot and he has something special, different from regular muscle model.
    I like also his face, i would like to see more pictures of him


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